Questions for Yardsale Shoppers

We try and keep the retail value from $20 to $30 and we are asking the Sellers not to sell to the box, but to give it as a gift. On the other hand, we are trying to work some cool deals with big companies and leverage our network to get really super nice expensive stuff.
You never know!

It really could be anything. But sometimes we try to give an indication what might be in it. Click here to see the types of things you might find! You can also go to the Recent Finds section to see chests that have been found and what was in them.

No, they aren't required to do anything at all. This is America after all.

Sometimes we have contests online at where you can win one by using the site.

No worries, we have a shopping section on our site and will make some available for a limited time for purchase (depending upon availability). If you don't want to miss a box, and enjoy getting a surpise each month, sign up for our monthly subscription service.

Sadly, No. It really depends on how many boxes we are giving out that week and how many sales are in an area.

Questions for Yardsale Hosts (Sellers)

All you have to do is post your yardsale on We randomly select yardsales across the country each week to receive a chest. We'll try to contact your either using your e-mail or telephone number. Please note, we will only select sales that have been posted well ahead of the time the sale is scheduled to start. We need enough time to contact you and send you the box. So post your sale at least a few weeks in advance.

You can. We have a shopping area you can purchase one from.

  • More traffic to your yardsale when there's a known chest in the area.
  • You get the joy of making someone happy with a special gift.
  • You also get a Treasure Chest! Yes, we ship 2 boxes. One for you to enjoy as our Thank You, and one for a lucky customer of yours.

Of course. This is America. You can do whatever you want with it, including keeping it for yourself and hiding it under your bed. You aren't required to do anything at all. But we hope, in the spirit of fun, that'll you'll give it to someone. We put a number on the box as a suggestion as to what paying customer to reward with the box, as part of the game. But in the end, it's totally up to you.

We put a number on the box as a suggestion as to what paying customer to reward with the box, as part of the game. But in the end, it's totally up to you.

Generally not. But we indicate on the box any Age Appropriate concerns. For example, something a kid might not find interesting. We also try to indicate who might find the box more entertaining. We don't put any "adult" stuff in there.